Sacred Heart


Olufunke, welcome back to life.

Can you remember the morning I said I would die first before any evil comes near you? when I told you my heart beats for you, well, I meant them. I mean them. But I’ve realized a greater truth Ife mi. Living for you. This has kept me happy for weeks. Your memories kept me.

The last thing I’m sure you’ll remember before everything started is you telling me the news. But I still don’t get why you passed out afterwards. You were telling me about the pregnancy, our pregnancy, shouldn’t I be the one to have collapsed with excitement? But you did. Confusion swept through me that evening as I scooped you up, out of our favorite restaurant. The grin on the faces that had once been amused by my joyous reaction when you released the news withered immediately. All they could do now was to act as if nothing happened, I even saw some taking my pictures as I struggled with you. Strange place.

I got into the car with your still unconscious body and started for any near hospital. I couldn’t think of any, but I kept going. Turning from the wheel to check you on the backseat each time frightened life out of me. You were still not moving. Many thoughts raced through my mind. Why you fainted? If it was the pregnancy, or some allergy? After driving for about a minute, I finally remembered a hospital. I felt a sad joy.

It didn’t last for long. My hope abruptly dissolved in a flame of confusion at the sudden traffic jam. Within seconds, everywhere became blocked. I for some seconds regretted being a Nigerian. Not even the motorcycles could move.

Without thinking twice, I lifted you out. Abandoning the car, I began running towards the hospital, cutting, jumping, gasping. I thought the scotching sun would make me weary, it actually made me stronger. You still were not moving. I thought you were dead Funke, but I wasn’t ready to give up, you taught me that. I didn’t and still don’t know where the strength with which I carried you from Obantoko to Asero came from.

We finally got to the hospital and I got the shock of my life. The nurses ignited the anger you’ve always told me to watch. But it was hard Ife mi, how could they have seen a probably dead woman hanging on the arms of a panting man and still go ahead dilly-dallying? Completely unforgivable! They made no attempt to help me with you. A man that looked like the doctor finally strolled out and eyed me like I was an alien. The words that escaped his lips sank my heart into ashes.

“What is wrong with her …we don’t have enough beds young man, moreover sef, didn’t your hear the doctors are on strike”

Those were his exact words, while he pinched at you. Crazy nation!

They didn’t pity me! Were they going to attend to me for free? I cried and cried for help. I felt an agony of compassion as I laid you on the cold floor. I then lost myself, and that was when it happened.

I tore towards the doctor and delivered a slap to his chest. While still dazing around, I followed with a punch to the neck. I really went dark Funke. The nurses that tried to pull me away got a piece of my aggression. I punched, punched and punched till my fists got drenched in blood, till he stopped moving.

I didn’t know for how long I sat livid, but when I turned, two policemen welcomed me. The beast that had risen in me quickly disappeared and I became conscious as they roughened me away. The last glimpse I cast on you, you were already twitching, then I knew you would live.

Our parents tried, the lawyers expended all their knowledge, sleepless nights for our siblings. How about prayers from men of God? All gave their blood, but we lost. I was sentenced.

When I didn’t see you for the first three days of my stay in police custody, I thought you were mad at me and wouldn’t come. I asked our parents about you severally, all they said was that you were fine, that you just needed some rest. I believed and waited for you, so I could tell you I failed you.

I knew something was up, I knew you wouldn’t have left me all alone because you wanted to rest. They didn’t tell me what really happened to you until the evening I got sentenced. They didn’t tell me how you had gone psychotic on hearing my predicament. I know, It was too much for you to bear.

As at now, I have spent some weeks inside the prison. I’ll be executed in few hours. I don’t want to die without letting you know that I truly lived every of my moments here for you. I prayed for you, that you heal fast, and deliver our baby. Tell her about me. Tell of my love for her. Yes, I know it’s going to be a girl.

I’m glad you’re reading this, it means you’re finally back to reality, back to life. Go ahead, live a happy life, get married and join me in sixty years’ time, not less. Not more. Smiles.


Submitted by Soogun Omoniyi I.

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  1. Wow!!!!!I felt love in every sentence!!!And yes, he put in the state of the nation. Totally brilliant….. 9/10 in my humble opinion.Why do you people end love stories with death tho

  2. Hmmmm!! Sweet story with bitter ending..quite captivating.and yes u displayed events happening in our nation. Subtly awesome. Can I see a poem on love nt story storyyyy!!!

  3. Ezeani chucksnice work soogun…great work…& sad story; reminds me of Titanic. the guy dies, the girl becomes a grandma

  4. It used to be Soogun and Horror, now it is Soogun and love, and still maintaining the tempo. This was lovely. Good job.

  5. Amazing story from an amazing mind with an amazing perspective for an amazing purpose… True love comes with sacrifice

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