
#BlogFest #50DaysCountDownTo2015 – DAY 9, Written by Tami Koroye

We are all born with dissimilar characteristics and traits, although in the long run these traits make us akin to others who share similar behaviors. There are some who are loud and outspoken, while others share the personae of the quiet folk. I, personally fall into the latter category. I had, note the past indicant, a natural abhorrence for those who I deemed raucous, for I felt they always caused unnecessary commotion wherever they happened to be. However, my perception of these individuals has changed over time. I have found out that sometimes quiet is indeed violent. How is this feasible? I will explain in due time in the voyage of this article.

Most quiet people have been identified as violent, for once the pent up anger and frustration of these individuals’ ruptures, it tends to lead to inconceivable fallouts. However, that’s not the angle I’m to use to elucidate on the phrase ‘ quiet is sometimes violent’. Over the turn of the century, it has come to my knowledge that the voice of the populace is a very potent weapon against irregularities in society, as seen in the Arab spring, the war against AIDS, bringing it closer to home, the fight against the subtraction of the fuel subsidy (although most tag that as a fruitless venture) the rejection of the establishment of the gay rights (some still view this as oppressive and archaic). There’s virtually nothing impossible to achieve or desist from in our present day society if the populace cries out in a lurid unified voice concerning such. If the populace cries out I said. If that’s the case, why are there so many visible persistent anomalies present today in our society? If vox populi can cause for the eradication of despotic governments, the enactment of favorable public policies, why then is the Nigerian society facing numerous deficiencies, depriving it of becoming a developed nation state? Simple, we are quiet.

The American society, from the little I’ve imbibed through the mass media and other mediums, is premised on the concept of freedom of all, which is therefore inculcated into the average America citizen at early stages of development, therefore a simple American would fight with his last ounce of blood once he recognizes that his freedom is been taken off him without his prior consent. This generalized freedom encapsulates the freedom of speech also, and do believe when I insist they do exercise this fundamental right of theirs to optimum. To the best of my knowledge, we Nigerians do share same fundamental human rights, and so I ask, why don’t we implement it? Sure, there were certain times in the history of this blessed nation when spoken words or written accounts awarded you either an assassination request, or a jail term, but I do believe those dark days have been left behind in the murky past were they do belong. We practice the democratic system of government now, or so we are made to believe, why then don’t we talk out? Why don’t we come out in our numbers and address the ills in our society? What are we scared off? Have we all become complacent while our nation state implodes, inside out?

Keeping quiet while a wrong is been committed invariably connotes that we are, impliedly, in support of such activities. In other words, if we sight an individual degrading our environment through activities such as littering and we do not rebuke such, we are impliedly consenting to it. We can all come to a consensus that most parents, especially those of the African breed, do not hesitate to scold their younglings whenever an act considered wide of the mark is committed, even the bible did give such instructions on the upbringing of children, thus ensuring that these younglings grow to be upright citizens of the society. They do this because they do not agree to these actions. If this is the accepted way of life, why then have we, as Nigerian citizens, failed so to do? Why have we neglected the fact that our great country Nigeria is our child, and therefore we owe it a duty of care of restructuring it to the standard set by developed countries? One major defect majored in the psychology of Nigerians is that of selfish feats, evading and ignoring the crystal clear datum that whatever ills affect and defect our society, affect and defect us as well. Three out of ten Nigerians, at their closet mind you, insist that this Nation of ours yearn a long awaited revolution. As I do subscribe to this belief, I must spell out that the revolution I personally speak off is not one involving gun flares and explosive powders, but rather a revolution of the mind, where an average Nigerian knows his legal rights, and is well abreast of the remedies awarded him once such legal rights are breached. How would this fantasy become a tangible fact? Many would give different answers; mine would be in line with this article. I strongly believe and perceive that when (I have faith we would) we speak out, not in our closets, but to listening and pruning ears, many of our problems would be addressed. If we notice something defaulting with our constitution, we should not wait for a messiah to come forth, we need to speak up. If we notice some irregularities occurring in our present environ, we speak up. if we notice our fellow course mates or co-workers engaging in some shenanigans which at long term be harmful not only to the environment, but to them as well, we speak up.

Gone should be the days where we wait at the side-lines hoping a courageous individual would spring up and try to correct the wrongs we’ve made. We shouldn’t wait; we all should be that individual with the notion of changing our environment. We should inculcate this notion of change into our systems for the successive generation to do same, and lots more. Quiet is indeed violent, and I urge you, Nigerians, be silent no longer.As a closing remark, I will paint a scenario which transpired during my criminal law class. Our nimble yet petite lecturer posed a question on the meaning of corruption, whilst an answer was proffered, she posed another, on how we, in our individual way, strive to eradicate the blight known as corruption from our environment, and the question struck home. Now, I ask you all, faithful enlightened readers of this blog, how have you, in your own personal way tried to change your environment?

My name is Tami Koroye, and I have chosen not to be quiet.Thank you.

I am Tami Koroye of the Legal Watchmen,

For inquiries, send mails to elsieisy@gmail.com or tweet at @elsieisy

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