What to Avoid on Your First Date

Are you planning to go on a date today or anytime soon? Here are some things you should take note of to avoid a terrible date.

·         Don’t exaggerate your plans

Don’t exaggerate your date plans. It is actually advisable to start with something simple and caring. Some people believe the bigger, the better, but what if you plan this huge date outdoors and your partner is not even a fan of it? We are not saying you cannot spend money if you want. However, sometimes when you exaggerate your plans, it can get a little bit complicated. Your date can end up being stressful and less romantic. Whatever you want to plan, just make sure it is something you and your partner can enjoy, and you still have enough time to talk and connect. On your first date, you need less worrying and more exploring.

·         Don’t fake it, just be you

Why spend time with someone who might potentially be part of your life and not be yourself? Do not fake a laugh or act like your date is a comedian or something. It makes no sense. It can make things awkward. Your partner may eventually see through you the facade. Therefore, you have to be genuinely interested in him or her: listen to their conversation, ask questions, and answer questions too. If you are intelligent, don’t act dumb. Always ensure you are you. It is best to be accepted the way you are.

·         Don’t be an African time person

Late is late. Avoid being late to your date. It is best to leave home or where you are early enough if you are worried about traffic. It is best to arrive before the fixed time for the date than to be late. Also, it is not fair to keep someone waiting for you at a restaurant or at the movies or something. It is not only fair, but it is also rude. Think of a first date as a test of attitude – you do not want to give the wrong first impression and ruin your date before it even starts.

·         Appearance can be deceptive

You should know appearance can be deceiving and so you should not conclude after the first three seconds of meeting your date. No matter how your date looks, you should give them a bit of chance and get to know them before you make any conclusions. The most attractive and well-dressed guy might just be a pain in the ass, or he might be a boring person who does not even give you a chance to talk. You will realize you were fooled by his looks. So don’t be carried away by just looks.

·         If you are hungry, eat!

Why do you want to waste food when you are hungry? If you have ordered a meal, you should be able to eat. You do not have to pretend that you are not hungry and then let the food waste. If you are hungry, eat. It does no one any good if you are starving during your first date just to impress the person you are with. Eat well, communicate effectively and be yourself.

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