Nigerian Foods Containing Fiber For 30+ Women

Nigerian food with fiber for 30+ women - elsieisy blog

For women 30 and above, one of their major struggles have got to be maintaining their weight. This is not to say people below 30 don’t have this concern but you know what they say about 30, pressure and living. Doctors have over the years advised that women above 30 do more fiber in their diet.

Dietary fiber contributes to health and wellness in a number of ways. Fiber plays a major role in digestive health. Fiber also helps to keep the digestive tract flowing, by keeping your bowel movements soft and regular. It aids in providing fullness after meals, which helps promote a healthy weight. Also, adequate fiber intake can help to lower cholesterol and prevent constipation.

Here are Foods containing Fiber you can find in Nigeria


Beans are a great source of fiber. It can be cooked in different ways including boiling, frying, and baking, and are used in many traditional dishes throughout the world. Beans also have significant amounts of fiber. With one cup of cooked beans providing between nine and 13 grams of fiber.


Avocados are a naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins including high fiber with approximately 6-7 grams per half fruit.


In general, the darker the color of the vegetable, the higher the fiber content. Carrots, sweetcorn and broccoli are fiber-rich. Ugu as well.


Okra contains potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid, and calcium. It’s low in calories and has a high dietary fiber content of about 3.2g per fruit. Raw okra is 90% water, 2% protein, 7% carbohydrates and negligible in fat. In a 100 gram amount, raw okra is rich in dietary fiber, vitaminc C and vitamin K, with moderate contents magnesium.

Sweet Potato

A medium-sized boiled sweet potato (without skin) has about 3.8 grams of fiber, or 2.5 grams per 100 grams. It’s very high in beta carotene, B vitamins, Vitamin A and various minerals.


Whether its microwaved or boiled, oatmeal is good fiber. Whole oats pack almost 11% fiber, and porridge contains 1.7% fiber. The majority of the fiber in oats is soluble, mostly a fiber called beta glucan. Oats also provide insoluble fibers


Source – wikipedia

Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries,  Raspberries, mango, guava…just consume fruits as they are good sources of fiber.  


Cinema goers will be thankful for this as they natural have to crunch on popcorns. If your goal is to increase your fiber intake, popcorn may have to become your best snack.

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