Love Literati Contest: Forever Muse by Akinseye Atinuke

Love literati contest - elsieisy blog

He stares long and hard at his sleeping partner, its 4am. He proceeds to his desk picks a piece of paper then writes ; ” Ajoke mi, I know you always wonder why I call you that even when you say it’s a local name but it’s a beautiful name for an amazing lady like you. Persons with the name Ajoke are trailblazers, torch-bearers, researchers, teachers and they are who show others the way. They are leaders, motivators and idealistic visionaries who are aware of their own innate powers. Which man would say no to such qualities, not me! I’d be a fool to. It’s been what? Four years and you are still as heady as always (laughs). I mean it could be annoying sometimes but I’d pick that over your frogfish snoring (giggles more). But that doesn’t mean you don’t sound cute tho (smiles). I know these past few months have been rocky but we sailed through! I still remember our first fight like it was yesterday. You literally just turned off the engine and kept going on like “Tunde you need a haircut, can’t go around with me looking haggard! Woman it’s just hair! People kept honking, imagine they knew what really happened, we’d be beaten if not arrested (smiling).

I remember when we got pregnant, baby you made pregnancy look amazing. Like I had to keep holding you every night to be sure I wasn’t dreaming. I was so excited that sometimes I lied to leave work just to be by you. Oh my beautiful Ajoke. I bless the day you came forth, I bless the hands that brought you forth, I bless the love that brought about you and I bless the earth that received you. Remember that time in the labor room the nurse said, let’s tear her open and you eyed her like she had said some abominable things and yes I saw the eyeing, imagine she saw it, she’d have just turned to salt (laughs quietly). When our baby came forth, she had your eyes, lips and smile. Our baby smiled before crying, even I till now never understood such mystery. The way you handled motherhood and work, gosh! I bow at your awesomeness (he sketches a figure).

Remember when she first said momma and you called screaming saying she spoke! She spoke!, she called me momma. I didn’t tell you but I was speaking at a board meeting which I had not anticipated but all the same excused myself to share in your joy. The way you put I and our little one first is still marveling. How do you do it baby, how do you keep me coming for more, how do I thank god enough for you. The way you joke around in sarcasms are just!…even know I have no words.

Ajoke mi, Iya mi, Iyawo mi, just look at the way you are sleeping now (takes a picture of her and laughing). Now we are pregnant again (getting emotional), our little one is now becoming an elder sister, we didn’t even ask her if she want siblings (laughs). Do you think she’d want to share her toys? (smiling). I think I spoil her too much especially when you say I don’t think she needs that. Motherhood looks good on you my love. I remember when you said how’d you look as a mom, I think you look smashing baby girl and a good role model. Teach me your ways, I bow to your greatness (draws a smiling face). I love you is not enough to tell you how much I appreciate you baby

Cheers to forever baby girl!.

                                                                              Yours Forever…….

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