Free Ebook: Letters To God by Femi Fragile

Free Ebook: Letters To God by Femi Fragile

We lead different lives, some simple, others complicated. We exist in a world of opposites, where there are two sides to everything, good or bad.Where what appears right and good is actually wrong and bad: a place where reality transcends its literary meaning.I wanted to tell stories from a humane perspective, something everyone can relate to even if it isn’t happening to them.Just as aids no dey show for face, you can’t tell the entire message of a book by its cover. This revelation was what inspired me to write LETTERS TO GOD.I also started writing these series which has evolved into an eBook because I felt the need to actively address the issues that are only spoken behind closed doors. I wanted to impact my immediate environment with my pen. I realized the need to express myself and my imagination to the world in the simplest way possible.I sat in a corner of my room and wondered about how so many families look unified until they become divided. I imagine that every family has its secrets, black sheep, and ups and downs. It became clear to me that the word perfect is an imperfect concept used to define a standard we should aspire to attain but whose reality is beyond our grasp.So, LETTERS TO GOD is a fiction about a family whose bond was strong until a stranger came to unveil a burdening secret. It is a tale of love, hate, lies, secrets and revelation; a journal of despair, wishes and desires.“You shall know the truth and it shall make you free.”They learnt the truth and their lives never remained the same, it became bitter, then chaotic.Click Here to download Letters To God by Femi FragileLetters  To God

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