Should I still seek love?

Should I still seek love? - elsieisy blog

It’s obvious that I am not in a relationship right now and I am loving every bit of my singleness as I can wholesomely concentrate and make decisions.

I am not saying the decisions I make are the best, but I own them and bear whatever consequences they bring.

Those who know me well understand that I love love! I love relationships! I adore marriage! And nothing can take all that way. But one thing is clear, I will not be extravagantly stupid in order to express my love, keep a relationship or stay in marriage. Yes there is commitment, but that is what it is – commitment and it takes two.

I was discussing with some acquaintances of mine and we talked about how the thought of marriage can be very scary. Yes it can. The level of disappointments and heartbreak in the society does not give room for much hope in the institution of marriage. You listen to horrible news all day from Facebook, twitter, Instagram, radio programs, newspaper and the almighty blogs. Somebody somewhere is always being an asshole and you ask yourself, ‘am I ready for all these?”. You have most definitely asked yourself this question at least once – should I still seek love?

In a post I wrote, titled – No One Rule Fits All, I stated clearly that it will be wrong for anyone to expect a relationship that is same as someone else relationship. That Mr. A’s relationship works out this way or turned out that way does not mean your own relationship will turn out that same way.

I am also part of the people who believe that when push comes to shove, I get pregnant and have my baby. Society will always talk whether or not I conform. It’s all part of the game of being alive. Once you are still alive, you owe it to yourself to write the pages of your happiness.

However, it will be totally wrong for me to think I can never be happy in marriage because some people are not.

I know too many happy couples. They have their good and bad times but they walk together having one goal – to make each other happy.

Your relationship comes to an end when you stop caring about how your partner feels in every type of situation.

Do I still seek love? Yes I do.

Should you still seek love? Yes you should!

I will rather look at the many beautiful relationships and marriage out there to draw strength from than draw fear from the bad ones. Life is all about perspectives and perception. My good could be your best while my best could be your ‘God forbid’.

Whatever it is you have read, heard or seen, do not allow it determine your happiness. You are unique likewise your relationship. Keep an open heart in order to recognise the right person when he or she comes around.

Let go of fear and let love lead.

Your marriage and relationship will definitely be one of the good ones if you believe and work toward it.

Remember it takes two.

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  1. Relationship is like a practice for the the main ish (marriage). We love not because its perfect but we all strive for better life and understanding. And yes it takes two people not just one. Love is a beautiful thing

  2. I totally agree with this article. I pushed away the thought of getting married merely because I see how married couples become distant, problems arise as soon as they say I do. But I had to look at it with my own perpective,their marriage didn’t work, who’s to say mines want. Marriage is a beautiful thing.

  3. The irony of it all is that being single doesn’t even guarantee being happy. Our best bet is to be careful and reasonable when going into a relationship, the heart should lead but the brain should follow closely.

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