5 Signs Your Relationship May Lead You To Depression

The singular fact that depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and suicide makes it a serious mental health issue we must pay attention to. It is also important that we note that the company we keep and even our relationships can sometimes drive us down the road to depression.

The reactions and actions of a depressed person are predictable. Although, there is a thin line between rage from depression and being plain silly.

These are signs that your relationship may lead you to depression.

Lack of freedom

If your relationship gives you zero freedom, then this may sooner or later drive you down the path of mild or severe depression. Lacking freedom to make personal decisions within a relationship brings resentment. Over time, this resentment turns inward, manifesting a feeling of not being enough or too small.

You feel subjugated

When you feel dominated or left without a voice in your relationship, this is a sign you should not ignore no matter how much you care about the person. It is time to sit and talk things over. Talk about how you feel, and how their actions and words make you feel. The person you are in a relationship with should be your safe place and allow you room to express yourself.

It’s all criticism and not feedback

“Criticisms are putdowns; feedback is not a problem.” People welcome feedback from their significant other, but no one wants insensitive criticism. Feedback lets you know in a loving way that what you have done is wrong or affects your partner and/or your future plans negatively. Instead of saying, “Don’t wear that shirt anymore, it doesn’t look good on you,” why not say, “I think you look better in striped shirts than the plain ones. You should wear strips more.” Or instead of saying, “You look fat, watch your weight”, why not say, “You will look even more amazing if you can lose a few pounds in the right places. I know it is hard work but I am ready to work it with you.”

You are controlled

From your hair to what you do with your free time and even your money, your partner tries to tell you what to and what not to do. This behaviour is likely to invite feelings of depression. Your partner can guide you lovingly but not take away your power to make personal decisions.

Your partner is always right

It’s fine for your partner to be right always, as long as he or she doesn’t need to be right all the time. Listening is loving. Both of your opinions count. It should never be ‘my way or the high way’.

Our mental health is as important as every other aspect of our lives. Guard it jealously and consciously.

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