The Necessary Evil

elsieisy blog - The Necessary Evil


What is it with people knowing their actions are wrong but keen to continue? We always get the cliché of a responds í could not help it, i find it hard to stop’.
The phrase ‘necessary evil’ is replacing the ability to fight back in the minds of most people; even a kid knows the consequences of chewing so much gum, but regardless requests for it. 
I am quite perplexed having to see Mr Toby continue to smoke cigar after getting a ‘restraint from it’ report last week from his doctor. What then is ‘necessary evil’? I would say it’s to like/hate something but understanding that it has to be done sometimes; it is also an evil that must be allowed for a greater good to result but this days it’s becoming for a greater bad.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote;  ‘what is worse than doing evil is being evil’. The being and the doing are very different which has helped so many people to classify their evil in the ‘doing’ column of life.
The necessity to do evil is just another way to not saying ‘no’ to the inner desires and allowing ones self to be consumed by the pleasures of life. There are various factors that has made many chorus the phrase ‘necessary evil’, which some are ;
  • Low self esteem
  • Peer pressure
  • Addiction
  • Frustration
  • Poverty
  • Inferiority complex etc
Ignorance is a common thing these factors have. I was opportuned to talk to a well vast sage at the traditional ceremony of a friend as i tried to get answers from him. I asked him about this evil and he said ‘some people are floating on the ocean of ignorance and refuse to accept any life jacket thrown to them by the “boat of knowledge” that passes ones in a while and they forget that no one floats forever. 
So i got thinking and realised that to get rid of the mindset of ‘necessary evil’ , i have to accept floating in these invisible ocean of ignorance and allow myself be saved by the passing boat of knowledge. 
The boat of knowledge comes in various shapes and forms in every body’s life. They may come as the doctor, parents, friends, one’s self, experience etc.
Over the years, only those with the will to be saved are saved. Do you have that will? Are you tired of saying ‘I have no control over it’? Just take a moment and ponder, have a little time of self advice and help reduce the use of the phrase ‘the necessary evil’

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