What God’s Will means to me

I was watching a program on one of the faith channels last night before going to bed when someone wrote in asking the guest speaker “what God’s will is and how she can recognise God’s will”. The guest speaker who is an elderly man and a Bishop started his response with “The definition of God’s will for me is.…..”

And that threw me in retrospect. What does God’s will means to me?Personally, I have carved out the definition of God’s will for myself and this definition has a lot to do with words of prophecy that came for me even before I was born and experiences through these few years I’ve lived in this world.You know how we all have that childhood dream of what we would like to become which in this part of the world is mostly influenced by what our parents would have us become and what society accepts? (We live in a country which has little or no room for developing one’s talent but that’s not what I’m here to talk write about this morning.) At that stage in my life, I was among the many children who wanted to be a Doctor. At some point, when I was old enough I even said to myself that I wouldn’t mind being a professional Nurse.Then I got into secondary school, getting to that point where we’d have to choose being a Science, Art or Commercial student and the fear of having to deal with Chemistry, Physics and Biology crept in. Apparently from discussions with people that were uninformed like I was and just mere assumption.At the end of the decision making streak, I chose Art. That decision never had the staying power as my mother marched me back to the school Counselor’s office to revert my decision.There I was believing my school counselor whom of course haven’t even done her due diligence in the first place would have a session with me to really determine what department I should be capable of handling, only for me to get the ‘I don’t know what is wrong with that girl. She’s one of the brilliant students we have and must be moved back to Sciences“There and there, my fate was done and dusted or so I thought.I carried on against my will. Still on the path to being a Doctor/Nurse you would say, but at that point, I think I lost the zeal to being any of that as I felt I needed to be something different from the norm (Dear doctors and Nurses, this is not in anyway undermining your profession ). Being a Doctor/Nurse to me is one of those historical profession which will remain very relevant just like being a lawyer or even a company Secretary…LOL those profession we get to debate with in school. ‘Are teachers more important than doctors?” “Farmers and Teachers, which is more important?” You know…..As life went on, I left secondary school in the year 2004 and I decided to be a computer scientist. Well, nothing has changed yet, I did study computer Science in school, I still am, though I feel too many factors have been a hinder for me to fully maximize my learning ability in this chosen field but the journey is still on.However, I found myself blogging, I found myself being a social media manager. Yes they are all branches of the computer world but I never saw all these happening. It wasn’t envisaged.This is the excerpts of my long journey into blogging. A year into blogging, I still didn’t see it as something that could fetch me funds directly or indirectly until it happened.  All these and many more events that have happened in my life in every aspect gave me my own definition to what God’s will is.God’s will for me are His calculated orchestrated events that will keep taking place until I am where He wants me to be.

–  Ephesians 5 vs 17 – Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 – Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit

What is the definition of God’s will to you?

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