What Every Freelancer Should Know About Working from Home

As much as it is cool to earn money from home, it can be somewhat tiring and disappointing. Some days, you end up feeling like you achieved little—meaning less money and some other days, you’d feel like you’ve overworked and stressed out yourself. If you don’t have a solid plan or schedule that you abide by each day, you will be prone to distractions that will make you fall behind in attending to the daily demands of the job. As a freelancer, there are certain things you need to know about working from home. Such things include the following:

Creating a workspace and developing ground rules

If you want to make the most out of working from home, you need to turn one room in your house into an office. You would appreciate having a space that’s separate from the rest of the house when the house becomes too noisy. Therefore, create a place where you can shut the door against that noise and work without getting distracted. You can arrange your workspace whatsoever way that would boost your productivity and kind of work. Things like games that would easily distract you should not be welcomed in your workspace. It also helps to write down some ground rules like “knock when the door is closed”, “stay away from my desk or computer,” etc. and paste on the door.

Dressing up

Getting dressed up and ready for work charges you up and puts you in a working mood. Just because your source of income doesn’t require you to go out doesn’t mean you should face it wearing pajamas and having a smelly breath. You don’t necessarily have to wear suits, a clean cloth would do the job of making you feel more productive and confident.

Managing time well

You might spend all day sitting on your desk, facing your computer, and still end up not doing anything at all. Personal email accounts, Facebook, and Twitter, can distract you from getting things done. You should turn them off or avoid them as much as you can. You will notice that you will be faster in completing your work when you avoid online distractions, and you will also do them more efficiently. Finishing your work on time gives you extra time to do other things you want to do.

Creating a check sheet of tasks

You should keep track of freelance projects or work by writing them down on paper or using an online tool like Todoist. How will this help you? It will motivate you to do more because it stands as evidence that you’re being productive. You should include both small and big tasks on this list, and when you finish working on any, tick it off. When you get to the office the next day, you will be driven to complete the remaining tasks on the list.

Setting regular office hours

You don’t have to stay glued to your monitor from morning to night, set regular office hours, say from 9am to 5pm.  This timeframe should cover the time you work with vendors, meet your clients, return phone calls, etc. If you arrange to meet with clients on days that are not your workdays, it could make you have an unbalanced lifestyle, which means you will spend the time you would use to attend to personal things in doing work-related stuff.

However, it’s different strokes for different folks. Therefore, always aim to do what works best for you.

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