Project PINK BLUE will be hosting‎ a PINK OCTOBER WALK against Cancer ‎this Saturday

Project PINK BLUE will be hosting‎ a PINK OCTOBER WALK against Cancer ‎this Saturday.

Project PINK BLUE‎, a cancer non-profit organization engaged in breast and cervical cancer awareness, will be hosting‎ a PINK OCTOBER WALK, RACE & CYCLING against Cancer ‎this Saturday.

The event, which is to commemorate the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month, begins 7 a.m. at Alade market in Allen Avenue, Ikeja.

PINK BLUE also‎ provides free cancer screenings and support to people battling with cancer‎.

Every year, the month of October – known as Pink Month – is used for breast cancer awareness and fund-raising‎ to support women battling with breast cancer. Breast cancer survivors are also encouraged and free cancer screening is done for all women.

“Celebrities and cancer survivors will lead the Pink October 1km Walk, 2km Race & 5km Cycling against Cancer,” PINK BLUE said in a statement on Tuesday.

pink october lagos

“Over 700 women will also receive free breast and cervical cancer screening.”

Other activities lined up for the event include: Dance against Cancer, Celebrities Pitch against Cancer, Signatures against Cancer, Aerobics, Presentations by oncologists on Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Smoking/Alcohol and Breast Cancer, Breast Self-Examination guide.

There is an absence of proper data on breast cancer mortality but it is estimated that one in every 25 Nigerian women dies of the ailment.

PINK BLUE stated that more Nigerian women die of ‎breast cancer due to lack of access to accurate information, affordable screening, and treatment options.

“Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women and late detection is a major factor,” the organization said.

“All Nigerians should play a role by creating awareness. We urge everyone to join us in the Pink October Walk, Race & Cycling against Cancer.

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