VIDEO: Internally displaced man by BokoHaram turns Reggae singer at Abuja IDP camp

VIDEO: Borno man displaced by Boko Haram turns Reggae singer at Abuja IDP camp

Abandoning normal life in towns to take up shelter in a refugee camp can be heartbreaking and boring. But having a Reggae star in a refugee camp can spark some fun in the gloom.That’s exactly how Raski Moore is cheering his fellow Internally Displaced Persons in a shelter in Kuchigoro, a suburb in Abuja.Raski Moore was living in Bauchi, North East Nigeria, but fled his home after a Boko Haram attack that destroyed his apartment. He is one of the many displaced persons camping at the Kuchigoro IDPs camp in Abuja.Raski Moore spends most of his evenings entertaining his camp mates to some good reggae songs, including those originally composed by him.PREMIUM TIMES caught up with Raski Moore during a visit to the camp and he sang us a song he composed himself and titled it ‘Hope for Nigeria’.watch video below:

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