Men Have a Very Huge Role To Play in Family Planning

Recap of Family Planning Friday (#FPFRIDAY) Tweet Chat on 20th April 2018 by Development Communications Network

Dr. Omasanjuwa E. Edun (@omasan1981) is a medical doctor and a public health specialist with eight (8) years’ work experience in clinical medicine and public health, and a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH, USA). He is currently working with the John Hopkins University Center for Communications Program /Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative Phase 2 (JHU CCP/NURHI 2) Project as the State Team Leader (STL) for the NURHI 2 Lagos Field Office.

Dr. Edun was live on twitter #FPFriday session to answer  questions on the role of men in  Family Planning.

Planning the family should not be left to women alone, men have a very huge role to play- Dr Omasanjuwa Edun

Why should men be involved in Family Planning?

Yes indeed! Just the mere fact of being a man, and indeed being an adult is all about being in control, being self disciplined and taking responsibility for our actions. This is what makes us different from kids.

For as long as it takes both a sperm and an egg to make a baby, then men have to play a bigger role in deciding how & when to have kids

“Male involvement also goes beyond silence and consent. We need men to support family planning by speaking about it”

 Is family Planning culturally acceptable to men?

By all means YES! It is cultural unacceptable to have children you cannot take care of. It is also religiously unacceptable to bring children into this world,that you are unable to cater for. As Christian’s, you’re worse than an infidel. 

What are the methods of family planning available to men?

Male Condom and vasectomy are types of FP men can access. However there are new and innovative methods in the works for men, providing better and safer methods for men. But why not consider vasectomy once your family size is complete. But for cultural myths, most men would rather not. We are past that now. 

How do we include more men in participating in FP programmes?

We need to be intentional in our programming towards men. Men need to understand their role in decision making when it comes to having kids, especially in a society like ours 

How do we counter the misconception that Family Planning is a woman’s activity  in our society?

As men, we need a reorientation. Our duty is not only to provide for the family, men also need to adequately plan what number persons he basic income or earnings can cater for. 

For Family Planning service provided in the health care centres should men be mandated to  follow their wives for the services?

It is not mandatory but should be encouraged. It is voluntary decision. However any man that truly loves his wife and wants the best for her will not hesitate to go with his wife. With that alone, he gets a better understanding of the entire process and can support her. 

What are the benefits of family planning especially to the man?

It helps the man to plan his and the family’s resources adequately, ensuring that the needs, and possibly the wants every member of his household is met. There’s also a certain peace of mind that comes with knowing that your resources can adequately cater for your family and there would be no unnecessary surprises. There’s focus on efforts to achieve even greater financial and non-financial gains, without the worries and fears of unexpected responsibilities.

Anchor- Odewade Aderoju

Activity Organised by Development Communications Network (DEVCOMS) and supported by Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI 2) & Family Planning Champions for Devcoms Social Media Hub.

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