How to Eat Healthy in a Restaurant

Food is one of the basic necessities of life, but good food makes for a merry heart and a satisfied individual. Often, we get too tired to cook and decide to use the most accessible alternative: eat at a restaurant.  This, of course, isn’t a bad idea as various restaurants have just what you need in terms of multiple delicacies to suit your taste and diet (vegetarian or not). But how do you know what to eat and what not to? How can you distinguish between what ought to come before and what to come after? What about your eating habit? Do you think it’s decent enough? Below are healthy ways of eating in a restaurant:

·         Think/Research before visiting a new restaurant

While considering whether to eat at a different restaurant, try to make your findings. Look for a place with a wide range of menu items. Check out menus online and find out recipes used to make the meal (if you haven’t eaten it before) for nutritional information and to know which should come first and last.

·         Have a plan

Perhaps you intend to eat something heavier when you get home; in this case, plan on what to eat that won’t affect your meal later in the day. Maybe you had something heavier earlier in the day; try not to give in to the urge to feast on a delicious meal, which could affect you. Take something light instead.

·         Make the right order

Many peoples have issues ordering at a restaurant, not for lack of delicacies but lack of knowledge on what would be appropriate for them to eat at that particular time. You should know how to balance your meal, depending on the diet you happen to be on. Always balance your meal by including healthier foods from all the classes of food such as proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.

·         Watch your portions

Some restaurants serve huge portions (huge enough for two or three people to eat). Don’t be tempted to eat it all up. Eat smaller portion and take leftovers as takeaways home for another meal. You could also order an appetizer in place of an entrée and add a little bit of rich salad.

·         Ask questions

Ensure you ask questions, if need be, on your meal components, how it is supposed to be eaten, and how best you could combine with other food items. Do not be shy; you are paying for it, after all.

·         Eat slowly

It takes the brain 20 minutes to get a message from your stomach, saying you are no longer eating. Please ensure you don’t rush while eating to avoid choking on your food and for easy digestion.

·         Finish healthy

Always round out your meals by ordering healthy side dishes such as vegetables, fruits, salads, etc. This would go a long way not only in helping to aid digestion but also boosting nutritional value.

In conclusion, whenever you want to go to a restaurant to have a meal, you should not go with the mind-set that you are merely going there to eat because you are hungry. Instead, go there to eat because that restaurant has healthy meals to offer.

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