8 Reasons To Attend The Pride Lagos Creative Enterprise Week 2019

8 Reasons To Attend The Pride Lagos Creative Enterprise Week 2019 - elsieisy blog

The inaugural edition of the Pride Lagos Creative Enterprise Week is scheduled to hold 3–9 November 2019 with several events covering a wide range of topics: blogging, freelancing, fashion design, film production, funding, interior design, cartooning, the fourth industrial revolution, among others. There is also a digital skills master class anchored by Google.

You get the opportunity to learn from creative veterans from the selected industries to help turn your creative ideas into reality.

8 Reasons To Attend The Pride Lagos Creative Enterprise Week 2019 - elsieisy blog

If you are a creative in whatever sphere, here are eight ways the Pride Lagos Creative Enterprise Week can benefit you:

  1. You don’t only get a chance to network with industry professionals, you get the opportunity to be mentored by them.
  2. Asides gaining an insider knowledge in your chosen creative genre, you would develop capacity reinvent and innovate your ideas for better output.
  3. You would also learn how to position yourself in your area of specialty as a creative to make a success and a living from it. With the information and knowledge at your fingertips, it would be easy for you to translate them to a profit-making venture.
  4. Ever heard of the saying- “The secret of great men are in their stories”. Yes, get ready to learn several industry secrets that will give you an edge over your competitors.
  5. You don’t only receive information on ‘What to do?’, you become updated with the ‘Hows’.  In essence, you’ll receive guidance on how to navigate the creative landscape and successfully launch your creative enterprise.
  6. Of what benefit is knowledge gained when not shared. The Pride Creative Enterprise Week provides a platform to exchange ideas and connect with other up-and-coming creatives.
  7. There would be opportunity to promote yourself /your business through the skills gained at the event. Through the skills gained at the event, you will differentiate yourself from competitors in your creative sector.
  8. Lastly, be prepared to be exposed to ideas and inspiration to drive your creative business.

For more information, please visit:

Visit www.lagoscreativeenterpriseweek.orgto register. Students get a discount!

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